TFF-Transnational logotyp
Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research

Design, photos and website history


This website went 'live' on January 25, 2012. With its many sections and links, it reflects a diversity of themes, approaches and tools for conveying peace, which are in line with TFF's work over the last 25 years on-going today.

Lots of present day websites tend to be sleek and standardized with stock photographs; devoid of aesthetic philosophy and personality. We've been determined to make TFF's website not only professional and easy to navigate, but also aesthetically appealing. In the design we have emphasized minimalism, inter-activity, integration with social media and applying a consistent editorial policy concerning images.

We actually prefer the word "homepage" to "website". A home is more than just a site, isn't it? But strictly speaking, "homepage" refers to only the front pages of a website. We've come to a compromise by calling our site the "TFF Home Website".

Peace is a positive value, something desired by virtually every human being on earth. We want the website's appearance to be expressive of that positive energy, which is why there are no pictures of weapons, warfare, destruction, or suffering. We also have the ambition to promote newer images, or symbols, of peace than the peace dove that is used over and over again. Perhaps it's time to kick off a discussion on what images of a good world could look like and how to make them a powerful tool for change?

There is a lot of fast surfing on the internet. We want you to feel that TFF's "home" in cyberspace is not only full of interesting material but also a pleasant place to dwell for a while because it offers you an opportunity to think mindfully about and visualize a better future.

The images

Photos on the site are either directly relevant for the theme or article being presented, or they are positioned to provide free associations or to bring a bit of visual entertainment.

Except where otherwise indicated all images were created by TFF co-founder Jan Oberg, who is also an art photographer with a gallery co-located with TFF in the founders' villa in Lund, Sweden. All images are Jan Oberg and must not be reproduced. If you want the original prints, please write to him.

Experimental photo of stairs in plast...

Website history

TFF's first website was created by Goran Larsson in 1997. It underwent modifications carried out by Maria Näslund in 1999. In 2003, Jan Oberg developed the site further. The old site - which you will find in the menu "TFF Old Website" - grew organically and was last given a new design by Jan Oberg, and launched to mark TFF's 20th anniversary, on November 25, 2006. Over the years, that site also became unmanageable, too difficult to navigate and technologically outdated.

The present website, launched on January 25, 2012, is a completely new design created by Webstudio-Aniara in close co-operation with Jan Oberg and TFF's Board. The Associates and Themes blog is a heavily re-designed WordPress theme adapted to the TFF design concept.

We welcome your views and proposals on how to make the site even more user-friendly.